Start Developing Blog

If we already have a blog and some content in it, then of course we want our blogs to have a lot of readers or visitors. Well here's where we start malakukan the name of promotion, began to recognize the name of SEO and breast bengeknya.

1.Keep Focus on Content
Content until whenever will remain a major factor of success of a blog. Create content that is actually qualified. Like what is quality content:

     Wanted by readers
     Unique, different, and original
     Useful and helpful

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is an attempt to optimize our blog on the search engines. If my friend wants to get more visitors to your blog from the search engines then inevitably have to deal with SEO pal.

But my friend does not need to actually be an SEO expert to be mendaptakan visitors from search engines. Simply use a basic understanding of SEO I think that is enough to help increase traffic to your blog from search engines.

I highly recommend my friend to read the beginners SEO guide from Google
3. Blogwalking
Blogwalking are simply the activity berkujung blog to others while leaving a comment. Blogwalking is a long way which is often done by a novice blogger to mandapatkan end, but even today it is still an effective way.

In addition to getting the end blogwalking also has many other benefits, including:

     Establish bonds of friendship fellow bloggers
     Getting backlinks is one of the most important factors of SEO
     Getting an idea or inspiration
     and others
4. Social Media
Inevitably this time most people spend time on social media. Take advantage of social media well as a promotion for your blog.
5. Forum
In many internet forums that contain people who have a particular hobby or interest. Pele into the forums appropriate to the topic of your blog.

At its core is aktiflah where readers pal often menghabisakan time. Buddy can informal discussion with them according to topics of interest and occasional pal promote your blog. Most importantly do not make excessive promotion because some forums have strict rules.
6. Social Bookmarking
Social Bookmarking is a website whose function is to bookmark the pages that exist on the internet online. Many bloggers are using social bookmarking sites as a place to bring visitors and also search for backlinks.

One of the social bookmarking site of the most popular in Indonesia is Buddy can submit your blog posts to the social bookmarking.
7. Keep Learning
Keep learning to improve blogging buddy. Make use of Google as a search for information that my friend needed.