Frequent Mistakes Beginner Bloggers

After my friend know how to start blogging, then you should listen to my friend some common mistakes made ​​by novice blogger so my friend does not need to do the same.

1. Too Busy With Display
As I mentioned a little above, which almost made ​​the mistake most novice bloggers are too busy to look. Mutually templates, plug-dislodged widgets, etc.. Though it is not so important at all.

That would make your blog known and visited by many people because it will not display, but the existing content on your blog.

2. much out quantity rather than quality
Beginner bloggers usually vying for mengsisi blog with posts as much as possible in the hope of quickly getting a lot of visitors regardless of whether the posting results alone writing or tracing results of other bloggers posts.

3.Too Much Information but Minim Reading Practice
As a beginner blogger curiosity usually very large. Read it read it until his head filled with information and confused which one should be practiced.

Better a little information but actually practiced than most information but not used at all.

4. Not Consistent
In the early days very diligently updating posts regularly every day, but after that suddenly disappeared somewhere. Regularly updating blog is very good indeed, but consistency is much more important in my opinion.

5. Discuss Too Many Topics
Is it a problem if discussing many topics? not at all. But that certainly would be difficult to grow your blog, do not have uniqueness, do not have the identity, and it would be difficult to get loyal readers.

6.Too Obsessed With Stats Blog
A novice blogger would normally very diligent in checking the number of visitors, alexa rank, pagerank, and so forth. The day can check hundreds of times. Though it will not help increase the number of the end of your blog and will only be a waste of time.

7. Make Too Much Blog
Honestly a lot of bloggers who have experienced that manage many blogs, tens and even hundreds. But especially for a beginner it is not advisable to make too many blogs because it would make no focus.

8. Too Ambitious Get Money Quickly
Inevitably many bloggers who started blogging because they want to earn money. They assume gain money from blogs can be done overnight, but it is not so. It takes time, effort and consistency.

I myself could only make money after two years of blogging. Long time indeed since I started completely from scratch. Buddy may be faster or longer. Which obviously takes time, effort and consistency.

9. Not Utilizing Google Search Engines With Both
Instead of just a matter of the blog, any information can be found easily on google. So use Google to learn blogging well.