How To Start A Blog : Tutorial For Beginner

Blog is short for web blog, is a web application that has the form of articles sorted by date. New posts are at the top. (even though not always so)

More trivial, now you are reading the blog. Yes, so please enjoy the article a blogger Syaiful Bahri. Blogger? Blogger is a person who has a blog, a person who updated articles, videos, slides, images (content).

Want to be a blogger? Want to start blogging?

Start blogging can be a tough job. But calm, you have advanced a step and stay a few steps away. Because you have to figure out how to do it.

Blogging is a fun activity. Really. I write articles, then do not get one minute when the article was posted, other people I know who do not read it. And leave a comment. Not to mention, there are plenty of opportunities to make money from blogging.

The medium used is platform CMS (Content Management System) that are circulating now, including in the BPS group (Blog-Publishing Service), both developed with PHP language, the Java packages / bundle, Microsoft ASP.NET, Perl, Python, Ruby on Rails, CFML (ColdFusion Markup Language) and others. BPS is widely used by bloggers to blogging that principle is publish, edit, and modify the content (the content).

Many CMS / BPS is well known and used by the general public such as blogger / blogspot, wordpres, joomla, Crowd Fusion, Blogsmith, Drupal, Gawker, TypePad, Movable Type, DokuWiki, eZ Publish, phpWebLog, Serendipity, Publify, and others. For CMS / BPS local Indonesian made available also named LOKOMEDIA.

Currently, the look / design / layout of the CMS blog could even resemble the look of the famous websites. Display Yahoo, Facebook, Legal, and others have made ​​appearance by the bloggers who like to tamper with the script / code CMS her. Thus, many are now circulating templates are very nice and resembles the look of other popular websites.

Subsequent development is where the blog now contains the content (article / picture / video) information is very useful, and I called the blog world is a "World Hypermarket Information". Information disseminated through media blogs in large quantities so it can be accessible to all people, in all places, at any time, home internet connections.

Blog as a website? No Problem

There are millions of blogs that are circulating now, even billions. It could be that the number of blogs have beaten the number of websites. For a blogger, it's very stiff alias website is not dynamic. For that many website owners now switch to use CMS that is widely used by Bloggers. Even then, the website of one of the biggest media in Riau then switch to using the blog CMS as their online media to disseminate news information. Commonly used is WordPress CMS with the level of difficulty for beginners that will make mumet head.

CMS simpler with berjibun facilities provided by Google through the BPS Blogspot HTML-based language that can be developed into Java and jQuery. There is no limit to the number of hosting the published article became one of the hallmarks blogspot. Even 1 bogger account can create 100 blogs in it. Google provides a free for all users, to the extent Google bankrupt or change other policies. This never happens in the BPS Multiply that eventually died died alias alias cover all the free facilities. With the financial strength of the company Google, so far the possibility of the removal of these free facilities.

Blogspot later widely used by bloggers (bloggers) to publish content (the term jock "mosting" - post the article). Outstanding content becomes diverse. Not hard to find bloggers who create a blog to spread information like a mainstream mass media (major media). The mass media has a website that is maintained by many people. Blogger has a blog run by an individual only occasionally, palingan also 2 or 3 people. But the number of frequent blog readers can rival the amount of online media readers who use the website.

This condition causes turmoil in the online media, you want to use your website or blog. For the bloggers, of course, choose their blogs as a medium of disseminating information. For employers big media, they usually choose to use the CMS itself is done by a special proggrammer them with super expensive cost. These costs are an issue for bloggers, aka the bag slim but want the blog to disseminate information to the masses.

Blogging is something that is fun and positive. Write the contents of our minds, and share to the readers. And if one day succeed it will be able to make money blogging. For which will start blogging, there are some that must be considered:

1 Make sure you have an interest in writing.

Blogging is writing. So, if you have absolutely no interest in the world of writing, or the type of writer you are passive, then you will not have a chance to succeed in the world of blogging. I mean passive writer is a person who just enjoys writing of others but never moved to make his own writings.

2 Make sure you have the skill in the field of writing.

Skill or ability in the field of authorship is very relative, depending on the standard of every person. But my point in this is the second point, at least you can string letters into words, stringing words into sentences, sentences into paragraphs stringing and stringing paragraph into a whole article. And you have to be sure that you create a series of posts that can be understood by others and your own. If you own confused understanding of your writing, then someone else would be more confused.

3 Have your own blog.

It is the most important requirement. A new person may be regarded as a blogger if you already have a blog. You can have a blog with paid domain, like this, or the free. To create a blog, whether paid or free, please search on google with the keyword "how to create a blog".

If you choose a paid, you can avail the services of or Guaranteed Cheap Hosting Market (just click directly on the phrase Guaranteed Cheap Hosting and Markets her).

4 Choose the theme of your writing.

Your blog is an overview of your thoughts in cyberspace. People will know who you are from your thoughts. And, in the virtual world, people will know your thoughts on the theme of your blog posts. So, choose a theme that suits your writing. In this case, you can be specific on the theme of writing alone, or it could be for some themes.

5. Learn techniques to design your blog.

For this, you do not need to be serious about learning web design, unless you are interested in that field. I mean, at least you need to know (1) how to choose a good theme or template, (2) how to set the header, sidebar and footer, (3) how to adjust the size, font type and color, (4) and others. The main purpose of this study is to make you comfortable and your blog readers. You do not want it, already tired to write, apparently no one wants to read your article because of its font too small, there is no spacing between paragraphs, as well as the sidebar and the content of each post hit and run.

6 Often visiting other blogs.

One of the main activities of a blogger than writing is blogwalking. In short, the intention is blogwalking visiting other people's blogs. By visiting, you can learn a lot about the design of their blogs, the content of their blog post, how they manage blogs, and others.

7 Writing.

6 tips above will be useless, if these seven tips you did not do.

8 Writing regularly.

You have to make a schedule to post your writing. For bloggers who are healthy, there are at least 1 post (posts) new every week. So, write on a regular basis.

9 Consistent

That is, if the blog you have or will you have you want to handle in a long time, then you must consistently write. In any condition, you must continue to write. How busy, you have to keep writing. No matter how difficult you divide the time, you must continue to write. If you do not like this, your blog will be blog 3 months. That is, blogs are active and always updated in the first 3 months, then suspended animation until doomsday.

10 Take advantage of social media

In today's era of social media can be used as the spearhead of the promotion, including promoting your blog. Review details please refer to the article in the blog and social media synergy

11. Stop reading this and start blogging.

How many times you read these tips, you will never be a blogger, until you put it into practice.

Happy Blogging