Choosing A Blog Platform : How Should I Use?

Currently, many flat form which is available free to create blogs. Examples such as,,,, etc..  

 Blogspot or Wordpress?

Blogspot or wordpress, maybe 2 blogging platform that makes you who want to start blogging wonder, should choose which one. Indeed, there are many blogging platforms that provide free blogging facility, but the most popular use is indeed blogspot and wordpress.

To choose between the 2 platforms blogging over there beberpa Ahal to consider, because it is closely related to how to make your blog later:

Ease of blogging

In terms of the ease in operating it, is actually relatively well, but there is one important thing that in terms of management, wordpress admin page easier to use. Because of start writing a new post, change the theme (theme), add plugins, etc., all can be done easily in the admin page and the admin menu panels be organized and easy to understand.

The purpose of blogging

If the purpose of your blogging is a non-commercial alias to earn money from a blog, and you do not want to pay the least, wordpress more suitable. Because there are 2 types of wordpress, ie (instant, no need to buy a domain and hosting) and wordpress [dot] org (we had to buy a domain and rent hosting). You can choose to use wordpress [dot] com, his point here is easier and free in wordpress [dot] com. Creating a blog on blogspot also free, but it is not easier when in wordpress [dot] com, do not need to be confused again choose blogspot or wordpress.

If the purpose of our blog is to earn money from a blog, but you do not want to spend money to rent and buy hosting domain, without considering the terms of ease of use, then you can start with a blogspot. Because wordpress [dot] com does not allow you to put up advertising and affiliate programs.

The last one to choose to use blogspot or wordpress, if your goal is really to make money from a blog and you are ready to spend a little money to rent a hosting and domain, then the best option in my opinion is to use wordpress [dot] org, you just upload the wordpress files that can downloaded in to your online hosting.

If you prefer to optimize a blog on a Google search, then I suggest as your flatform services.  

Giving priority to one's own becoming a fairly logical reason why a blog from flatform 'prioritized' in the search results. Various blog templates with premium quality and ease of optimizing and mastery of HTML code into another reason why many bloggers choose blog as a flat form.