Blog Setting On Blogger: Format Tab

Settings on this page is setup to display the title, date and time and choice of language we will use.

Explanation Tab settings  can be seen in the following format:

Show: We can choose the number of posts displayed on the main page. If the selected day, a limit of up to 999 posts will be skipped.

Header Format Date: Represents the date on the post header naming, we can choose as you wish.

Archive Index Date Format: An archive naming the date on a post, we can choose as you wish.

Timestamp Format: Option time or hours

Time Zone: Use the time zone of your country 

Language: Language options (select your language )

Convert line breaks: A separation line corresponds to the tag. If selected 'Yes', the results entered in the Post Editor will be replaced with a tag on your blog, and presses the ENTER key twice will be replaced with two tags <br>. should select "Yes"
Show Field Title: To display the title bar. should select "yes"

See Field Link: Facility to display the link line so that we can insert a link under the title of the post. Select "yes"

Enable float alignment: Used to adjust to align images and text. Note: Allow image and text alignment options using the tag <div wash: both>. (Select "No" if you have a problem post layout.). should select "yes"

Template Post: We can add your own html code, the new code at the time of this post will appear automatically on the post editor